Dita Von Teese & her hot French boyfriend went to Coachella


I don’t really have anything to say about these photos other than I would totally do both of them. These are photos of Dita Von Teese with her hot, gorgeous, sexy boyfriend Louis Marie de Castelbajac. I love the fur peeking out. I love his face. I love her face. I love them both, and would happily participate in a menage a trois. Please ask me.

Anyway, these are photos of Dita and Louis at Coachella. It’s kind of funny to me that Dita goes to Coachella. You would think that it would be beneath her, right? That she would be too busy wearing corsets and collecting 1940s posters. Maybe it’s something Louis is into, and Dita is just being a good girlfriend. Whatever it is, it’s hot.

I also love that Louis can’t seem to keep his hands off of himself. He’s all, “I am too beautiful to go un-fondled. Mm, my fur turns me on.” Don’t even ask what Dita is wearing, though. I’m assuming it’s vintage. I find it garish and fug, but whatever. She kind of pulls it off. As for Louis, his slippers are amazing!





Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

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65 Responses to “Dita Von Teese & her hot French boyfriend went to Coachella”

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  1. Tanya says:

    She has flawless skin…

  2. Mashmash says:

    I remember seeing pictures of Dita going to Coachella for years and years, so its definitely her thing.

  3. she’s ugly. he’s weird. though kinda hot. wtf are these two doing together? they have zero chemistry.

  4. Rita says:

    I don’t know much about Dita but she has very unique taste in fashion that seems to work for her and her personality. Apparently, California has been under a total eclipse for some time….find some sun people.

  5. OtherChris says:

    I wonder what she does to keep her skin so flawless. She’s not a kid so you’d expect some lines or . . . something. But it’s pretty perfect.

    Also, there are hidden Mickey heads in that dress. I swear.

  6. Disbelieving says:

    I love the mutual clavicle stroking. I love the dress but it causes me consternation because I would never wear something like that and I am having trouble editing myself into her place–too selfish to want a threesome.

    That man needs to be placed into jars and sold at the supermarket so that you can spread him on toast. After he gets some new jeans.

  7. beth says:

    some people are just born with it…
    i look more like my dad but you should see my mom! she’s hitting 60 and 30 yos are stopping her on the street for skincare advice!

  8. lisas says:

    @Mashmash Totally! Dita always goes to Coachella.

  9. Spencer says:

    Love her looks. Love his looks. Sigh…..

  10. Bubbling says:

    I can always appreciate a good dong, but this bish is totally overrated. How come no one put her on a blast for caking up her face like that?! Her skin is not flawless she just dips her self in foundation

  11. margaritachum says:

    dita and i have the same style and the same skin colour but i’m a redhead. people always ask me why i don’t get some sun and i say that i like my skin this way and everyone i say that looks really shocked. and that get on my nerves. i don’t like to be under the sun but i do love summer and i love dita and i love them as a couple.

    i think they should invite you for a menage, kaiser so you could tell us how she smells. i always thought she must smell so good.

  12. Zombie Nurse says:

    Sunscreen is why her skin looks so amazing.

  13. victoria says:

    we’re ALL born with the ability to not let the sun burn our skin, to not smoke and to not have massive weight fluctuations. those 3 things alone pretty much guarantee young looking skin for a very long time.

  14. Darlene says:

    Wow she’s gorgeous. Look at that skin! I love her glasses. Not everyone could pull those off.

  15. becky says:

    yeah, Dita always attends
    i remember pics too, and now i feel like i know way too much about celebrities’ lives …

  16. Photo JoJo says:

    I wish I could pull off that dress!! Sadly, I am NO Dita…

  17. alaskajoey says:

    What is Coachella? Is it like Lilith Fair for everyone else?

    If I saw her there, I would think, “that lady looks like Dita!” but I would never think it was actually her. I think her dress and his shoes are fug.

  18. Michelle says:

    If you stay out of the sun, you will have flawless skin. That’s it. So, to all the people whining about how she “needs a tan”, that’s why her skin looks so good.

  19. geekychic says:

    he’s the hotest guy i’ve seen in a while here (excluding james (mc)avoy/whatshisname). this site just keeps spotting hot dong for me! thanks!:)
    oh, and i like her dress. original and fun, what music festival needs.
    von teese is too cool, although when you take a good look at her face in some shots you see that she doesn’t have the most perfect and beautiful face; but she invented herself, and i respect her thousand times more than gaga-monster.

  20. Lenore says:

    @Michelle – “If you stay out of the sun, you will have flawless skin. That’s it.”

    Ummmm no. Me and my never-tanned pallid English flesh (and the frequent outbreaks of zittery) beg to differ on that one. 🙂

    I love Dita, but surely part of the reason she looks flawless all the time is: she’s made it her job to look flawless all the time. Her look is an art.

    Also: god DAMN they’re a pretty couple.

  21. OtherChris says:

    Guys, seriously. Sunscreen can only do so much. I’ve never had a tan or a real burn in my entire life and I’ve always slathered myself with sunscreen, even in the winter. When I turned 40, my skin changed. It’s just a fact of life. Some people get lucky but most of us won’t. But by all means, protect yourself as much as possible or you’ll look like Lindsay Lohan with her leather skin at not even 30.

  22. Michelle says:

    Well, that’s my experience anyway. I’ve got pasty Irish skin and I have worn sunblock since I was 12. Now at 35 I’ve got no wrinkles, no sunspots and people think I’m 19. So, it works for me. Anyway, the comment was more aimed at people who think she looks gross because she’s pale – pale means healthy.

  23. bluhare says:

    You know, I bet they can go pretty much anywhere they want when she doesn’t put on the Dita persona. Bet we wouldn’t know her with no makeup and regular hair.

  24. Hakura says:

    I don’t care for her dress (a little too bright & all over the place), but Dita herself is just flawless… Her makeup is just perfect & very classy.

    He’s certainly pretty (though a bit too furry for my liking.) But still *_*

  25. jasmine says:

    ooooo i just love her.especially when she wears “colors”. she looks adorable!!!

  26. londonLady says:

    Pale isn’t healthy if you end up with a vitamin D deficiency.

  27. hoganbcmj says:

    she has the best effing style out there.
    those glasses are it.

  28. Brisbanegirl says:

    I love her dress. I would wear it but with different shoes. I would wear him too.

  29. mayzeee says:

    love her lover her lover… she is always consistent

  30. Michelle says:

    @londonlady, thank you for your concern, but fifteen minutes a day in the sun will give you adequate vitamin D. So will food. Don’t worry about people with pale skin. We’re doing juuust fine!

  31. Lenore says:

    *petty observation ahoy*

    You guys, click the close up – I see spots! Just to the right of her mouth, little teeny white lumps. The concealer is catching the light I think.

    I know, I’m sad for looking; I’m sad for pointing it out. But dammit, when you’re surrounded by pictures of flawless women 24/7 and being made to feel like a visible pore is a mutation to be ashamed of, it’s reassuring to see even a tiny imperfection.

    I love Dita, and this makes me love her even more. Rejoice!

  32. Michelle says:

    Also, the lighter your skin, the more easily you soak up adequate vitamin D.

  33. Mary Jane says:

    Did this guy piss hisself?

  34. Caz says:

    Yep she’s been at Coachella for some years now. It takes a lot of work for Dita to look like that, staying out of the sun, precise make up whatever it takes. She is also a natural blonde! That man is great eye candy. I’d love to see her with no make up on and jeans & a tshirt. Having lived in the harsh Aussie sun all my life,three things guarantee great skin – minimal sun exposure, no drugs/excessive alcohol and a good skincare routine. Or, hide it with great makeup.

  35. Bill Hicks is God says:

    “…pale means healthy.” That’s the daftest thing I’ve read all week.

  36. Hakura says:

    Her skin is gorgeous the way it is. Aside from that, ‘tanning’ causes cancer, & on very pale skin, even the lightest shade of spray tan makes you look orange. (I tried it once upon a time. I was young, and.. you know, stupid.)

    @Margaritchum“dita and i have the same style and the same skin colour but i’m a redhead. people always ask me why i don’t get some sun and i say that i like my skin this way and everyone i say that looks really shocked.

    There are quite a bit of us here on this site who have the same experiences in that regard. I’ve had a lot of friends push me to go do a tanning booth, or to try the paint on tan. But I’d never look good that way. Just ask them: Why paint the peacock? xD

  37. Samigirl says:

    It helps that she (Obviously) doesn’t hit up a tanning bed. She embraces her paleness. I’m willing to bet she slathers on 100 SPF sunscreen before she goes to get her paper or mail lol. Tanning beds really age women! She’s gorgeous. He’s gorgeous. I like them as a couple 🙂

  38. sammib says:

    @OtherChris – I hear you honey! It’s like you turn 40 and bam! Skin Change. SOB!

  39. Crash2GO2 says:

    Here’s my problem – I can slather on the sunscreen – the good expensive stuff AND STILL TAN THROUGH IT. So what does that mean?? I’m trying really hard to get my decollate healthier with regular applications of Retin-A and then religious slathering on of Anthelios SPF 60 on both my face and chest. And today I have a nice healthy tan from being in the sun one hour yesterday. I remember one beach camping trip where I wore sunscreen the entire time even though it was overcast, and I came home totally dark. Everyone was jealous and thought I’d gone to Hawaii. It’s so weird. I wish I knew what was going on.

    P.S. I think a lot of Dita’s allure comes from the fact that she has such a sweet plump baby face and an absolute sinful bod.

  40. Michelle says:

    @bill hicks – how on earth is that daft? You know that a tan is an injury response, like a scar formed by your skin, right? If not, educate yourself on the effects of tanning. Tanning is bad for you, whether you think pale skin “looks” healthy or not. Try reading up a bit before being so dismissive.

  41. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Michelle: How is a tan a scar formed by your skin? Yes, it is your body’s natural protection against too much sun, but to call it a scar is a little overly dramatic I think. The sun is essential for our health. Look at how animals sun bathe. You can’t tell me that mother nature doesn’t know what she is doing.

  42. DeeVine says:

    She has flawless skin cos she must avoid the sun like the plague or has sunscreen all the time. Doesnt matter though, she is still very unattractive!

  43. jill says:

    I dated a gorgeous younger man once. At the time I was as hot as Dita. It ended with my heart broken. These connections don’t last. Goldie and Kurt being the exceptions.

  44. Audrey says:

    She screams high maintenance. Don’t understand what women see in her.

  45. Hakura says:

    @Michelle“@bill hicks – how on earth is that daft? You know that a tan is an injury response, like a scar formed by your skin, right? If not, educate yourself on the effects of tanning. Tanning is bad for you, whether you think pale skin “looks” healthy or not. Try reading up a bit before being so dismissive.

    @Bill Hicks – She’s right. Not to say if you naturally have a skin color other than ‘light’, that you’re unhealthy (that would be ridiculous). But the very act of tanning is your body’s defense system, trying to protect itself from the sun.

    Those with naturally darker skin have more melanin to begin with, but anyone darkening from the sun is forcing their skin to defend itself. So basically *every* needs to protect their skin.

  46. foozy says:

    mince! qui’il est beau!!! god, he’s soooo hot!

  47. foozy says:

    don’t tell me he’s castelbajac’s son!!!! i can’t stand his father. he was the judge and jury for our final collection on our 3rd year of esmod paris and the idiot was drunk throughout and didn’t even pay attention to all the work and the effort the students had put in. basically our future careers were in the hands of a drunken slob!!!

  48. Michelle says:

    Oh! If it sounded like I was saying ONLY pale people have healthy skin, that’s not what I meant! I meant the act of tanning is unhealthy, so people should ease up on pale folks! Thank you Hakura for clarifying for me!

  49. Heather says:

    Actually, your body can only digest so much vitamin D and it’s good to get sun so long as it’s in moderation. UV also releases endorphins. The more you know!

  50. margaritachum says:

    @ hakura hahaha that’s funny. =)
    and we all did stupid things when we were young and we are supposed to do stupid things that’s how we learn=)

    i don’t know why people with darker skin think people with pale skin should burn under the sun or use a tanning booth.
    nowadays a lot of people have more difficult accepting themselves, the way they look, the way their body shape is, because we see hollywood women everyday looking like little barbie dolls, so skinny it hurts to look doing plastic surgery to make them look less human but according to hollywood rules “perfect” always with tan spray on that when they see a person that like how they look and like what they see it’s weird for them. i have tiny waist and big hips and i don’t care. i love my big a$$ and so does my hubby and i love my “morticia” skin.=)
    and kudos to everyone here that accepts and loves the way they look either you’re small or big. short or tall. dark skin or pale skin.
    but do leave us “morticias” alone and away from the sun.=D because like michelle said we’re doing just fine.=)

  51. beth says:

    i read somewhere that your body can only metabolise so much vitamin D from food, and the best way to guarantee adequate amounts of it is still from the sun.

  52. Tanya says:

    @Michelle, @Hakura, @Margaritchum, and others: Agree w/ all of you. I’m in the same boat – been VERY pale all my life and literally cannot tan. I am also a big believer in sunscreen as a means of preservation. However, sometimes people’s observations can and do get tiresome, and I have had many comments over the years retarding my naturally pale complexion (i.e. Do you ever go outside? Don’t you go to the beach? Answer – YES!). I know Dita is very image conscious and I’m sure never leaves the house with one hair astray, but if you look at her skin from head to toe (not just her makeup/face), she is flawless. Sure, some of her image may be artifice, but I admire her for embracing what is also a god given asset. I believe all skin tones are beautiful, but the anti-pale cracks really do get tedious. I tried a self tanner in my younger and less secure years, and, guess what? I looked ridiculous! Now, I embrace the pale and do whatever I can to preserve it. To each their own, I say, but I think her contrast of creamy skin and dark hair is stunning. I try to emulate it myself now (I know she dyes her hair, but so do I)… Proudly!

  53. Michelle says:

    @Beth and heather – about fifteen minutes in the sun will give you all the vitamin D you need, and the lighter your skin is, the easier it is to soak up sufficient vitamin D. I just wish people understood that if someone is pale, it doesn’t mean they are shut-ins who don’t go in the sun, it just means they have pale skin. I go out in the sun all the time and I’m just white! Still, it doesn’t stop rude comments.>:(

  54. original kate says:

    i, too, am a brunette paleface and i embrace it. i cannot and do not want to tan, and i like being a little different. dita looks divine here – as always. i love that she’s made the pale skin/dark hair look popular.

  55. TXCinderella says:

    I love her sunglasses. They are so cool and vintage looking!

  56. TeeTee says:

    her, not my idea of attractive
    HIM, YES..

    she doesn’t look natural, she looks pressed powered down!

    seems like she tries to hard to conjure up the spirits of dancers of the past, with her look–just doesn’t look natural.

    JMO, to each his own…and no way do I think she should tan, just cut back on the spackled natural look.

  57. lolalola says:

    How can she stay so pale in a full day’s worth of sun? Even SPF10,000 won’t save your skin. SHe must be covered in makeup head to toe!

  58. Jeannified says:

    I LOVE her sunglasses!

  59. Athena says:

    She was also there with Greg from CSI Eric Szmanda.Nice that they are stil friends after her csi guest spot.

  60. Erin says:

    I am 1/8 Native American so I tan relatively easily but I am naturally pale as my mom is 100% German…people also ask me why I don’t tan and I’m like Seriously, people?! How long have we known about skin cancer and tanning as well as wrinkles and leathery skin??

  61. harfang says:

    I am an extreme honky myself and I hope to heck she slathered the goop on. She looks good.

  62. jenny says:

    both are incredible to my like both! 🙂

  63. maumaumau says:

    the reason why there is no chemistry is because they are both gay.

  64. maumaumau says:

    they are both gay

  65. april says:

    this outfit doesn’t fit her
    this is not dita 🙁
    and the guy beside her looks…his taste in dressing is awful